expressive worship

Have a “God-Party”

On the way to Good Friday worship service, my friend’s 4-year-old daughter Layla said, “I want God to be in my heart.” My friend was overjoyed! She told Layla to just talk to God and ask him to “come in.”

Layla proceeded to fill their car with the sweet incense of prayer, asking her heavenly Father to enter her heart and make her His child.

But it didn’t stop there. [Read more...]

The Passion of Christ

There’s no question that Christ lived a passionate life. He wept at Lazarus’ grave, he overturned tables when he was angry at the money changers in the Temple, and in anguish he cried “why have you forsaken me?” to His Father from the cross.

Of course, the most passionate act of Jesus, the one we celebrate this time of year, is [Read more...]