expressive worship

Going For Moments With God

As a Live Music Producer, I work with artists and bands on their live shows, helping them to capture and engage their audiences and create special moments for the people who come to see them.

But when I’m working with Christian/Gospel artists, or even with worship teams, I have to deal with the stigma of it being wrong to “entertain.”

Creating a moment sounds a lot like “entertaining.” Is that wrong? [Read more...]

Songs Outside the Box

I love seeing God show up in unexpected places. There are times when I am awed by a piece of art, or a meaningful conversation, or an unusual bird landing close by…as if God is telling me, ‘I’m here. Just wanted you to know!’

I also love hearing a song that’s unexpected during worship….something I haven’t heard before, at least in church.

I know it’s a challenge for worship leaders to continually find great songs, and great songs that fit your sermon topic or theme. This is where we need to open our ears and get out of our rut of going to the same stuff we hear on Christian radio. [Read more...]

Somebody to Love

There’s a lot of buzz right now about Marc Martel.

His YouTube audition for a Queen tribute band has gone viral and as I write this it is edging close to 4 million views! And that will probably jump substantially with his appearance on Ellen.

What you may not know is that [Read more...]