expressive worship

5 Really Important Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years – #3

“Know what God’s called you to do.” 1 Corinthians 2; Romans 12:2; Timothy 1:5-9

Over the years I’ve asked so many Christians I’ve met along the way, “What’s God called you to do?”… and the majority [Read more...]

A Little Risky

When I’m in the green room, hanging around or eating at the worship events where I teach, I often connect with many of the worship artists there. Some of them have been in my classes over the years, and some of them I’ve worked with one-on-one.

One particular artist I often see is [Read more...]

5 Really Important Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years – #2

“Obey every command the Lord gives you.” 1 Samuel 15; John 14:15; Romans 12

Jesus said, “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you.” God wants the evidence that backs our claim of loving Him: our obedience.

As a parent, I’ve definitely known the frustration of telling my children to do something (like clean their rooms) only to discover an hour later that they hadn’t done it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if [Read more...]

Give Them a Reason to Worship

I was at church on Sunday, and my pastor’s message was about heaven. He led us to several places in Scripture that describe worship in heaven.

The main passage was Revelation 4:6-11; and he also read from Isaiah 6 and Ezekiel 10. The continuity between the Old Testament and the New Testament in the description of heaven struck me as extraordinary!

I don’t know why [Read more...]

My Real Family

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11

That’s my intention with these “Wednesday Worship” blogs and emails I’m doing: I want to encourage you and build you up! I want each one of you to know I appreciate your ministry (even though I may never have seen your worship team).

On this Thanksgiving weekend, [Read more...]

New Resource for Christian Indie Artists

The new CCM Indie website has just been launched as a resource for Christian Indie artists!

A subsidiary of CCM Magazine and Salem Publishing, CCM Indie is designed to be a one stop resource for independent artists and the creative community that supports them. CCM Indie offers information and contacts on everything from performance skills to business smarts and marketing tips to encouraging words through tough times.

CCM Indie’s monthly newsletter will always feature three areas of focus for enhancement: music, business, faith.

Tom Jackson is glad to have been asked to contribute monthly blog features to help Christian Indie artists get some answers about their live show.

For more information and to sign up for their newsletter, visit CCM Indie today.

5 Really Important Things I’ve Learned In 30 Years – #1

“Believe every word God speaks to you.” Hebrews 3:14-19; Romans 10:9

God is always speaking to us. What was the last thing He said to you (either through the Scriptures, a spoken word through a friend, in nature, or through prayer)? Did you believe it? [Read more...]

The Right Introduction

Just like a song intro is key to ‘gathering the chicks’ (from the Tom Jackson ‘Jaxicon’ of terms), a great verbal introduction is important as well.

We recently received this e-mail:

“We work in a lot of churches and more often than not, the host gives the most uninspiring introduction before we walk on stage. From my previous years in secular music, I know a good emcee can build the excitement so the group “rides in on a wave.” Is there a way [Read more...]

Homogenization: Good for Milk, Bad for Worship Teams

Homogenization can be good. It helps preserve and bring a consistency to things; as a consumer you know exactly what to expect. But for a worship team and a church, homogenization can be the kiss of death. [Read more...]

The Main Focus

Recently I was asked to sing alto on worship team, along with our worship leader, a tenor and the band. When we walked out on the platform for second service, I scanned the congregation and noticed some high profile faces in the crowd.

Now in Nashville it’s pretty common to see stars here and there, but typically you don’t see them all in one place at one time (unless you’re at an awards show). Well, there sat a multiple Grammy and CMA-winning country artist, a Grammy and Dove-winning gospel singer, a long-time female country legend, and worst of all… [Read more...]