expressive worship

Paper Jamz and Big Fun at Christmas!

A couple of years ago, I met Kevin David and Tim Yates of Valley Church, West Des Moines, Iowa. They came to one of our Nashville Expressive Worship Workshops.

They really took to heart what we talked about that weekend, and Kevin has been studying my Live Music Method ever since!

So recently, when he tagged me on Facebook [Read more...]

Praise Charts, Anyone?

Worship leaders around the world regularly visit websites that have downloadable praise and worship song charts to use for their praise team. It’s nice to be able to find lyrics, chord charts, or lead sheets for your favorite music, because it can make preparation and rehearsal times much more productive.

But when my team and I start rearranging worship songs to create a “worship moment” for your congregation, it can be difficult (if not impossible!) to follow that original chart during a rehearsal. [Read more...]

Relationships Up, Down and Sideways

During the Christmas season, I think a lot about my relationships with family, friends, and neighbors. I’m reminded that, whether I am speaking at a worship conference, working with an artist, or out shopping somewhere, I need to keep this proverb in mind:

“A good name is more to be desired than riches.” (Proverbs 22:1)

When I interact with people I want them to be honest with me, respect me, and even show a little kindness on top of that. So I need to follow the same standard with them!

That kind of relationship building with others can [Read more...]